Create, launch, and run modern multi-party enterprise systems

The NOUMENA Platform utilizes Noumena’s Protocol Language (NPL) – inspired by the smart contract approach of blockchain – to formalize, digitalize, and automate multi-party processes rapidly.

These smart, multi-party protocols keep data structures, process states, business rules, and party relationships together.

The Platform combines the best of traditional development and Web 3.0, bringing new efficiency, security, and scalability to enterprise software.

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NOUMENA technology combines the building blocks of a new development paradigm

Business as

Native messaging, security, auditability, logging, data deletion

Infrastructure as

Automated deployment, monitoring, and operations

Rich business
data stream

Asynchronous multi-service message communication


Fine-grained authorization and SSI support


NOUMENA bridges critical technology gaps in domain-driven application development

Multi-partynative, independent of any DLT

Multi-party orchestration and authorization natively built into the NOUMENA Protocol Language. Context- and trigger-dependent execution and messaging.

Traceabilitynative, integrated in NOUMENA operating system

Automatic out-of-the box logs of all states of the systems, as well as changes to underlying smart protocols. Automated back tracing and generation of audit trails.

Data protectionnative, core design of NOUMENA Protocol Language

Full protection of all data through advanced encryption. Sensitive data embedded in multiparty protocols, enforcing strict need-to-know principle and full access history.

Reporting and analyticsnative, core NOUMENA tool kit

Extensive toolkit allowing for easily accessible and mutually agreed or shared data along with rapid generation of valuable and trustful analytics and reporting.

Our flexible tech stack supports different enteprise needs

Digital Transitions

Standalone orchestration application within existing enterprise system landscape

  • Bridge legacy systems with latest industry standards and technological innovations
  • NPL integrates businesses with the development process, driving close, agile business-IT collaboration

Standalone Applications

Full-stack standalone application integrating with other services

  • Application, domain and database layer united in one consistent design
  • Enterprises simply connect the Identity and Access Management (IAM) of their choice

Ecosystem Applications

Complex, multi-party applications with fine-grained, user-centric authorization

  • Inherently integration of authorization, streamlining Security & Audit functions
  • NOUMENA-based services natively connect when authorized by user